Level Up With Lu

Why Progress is Better Than Perfection #60

Episode Notes

"Don't aim for perfection, aim to be better than yesterday."

Welcome back guys!

On today's episode, Lu talks with life coach Justine Cochrane about motivation, perfectionism and mental health.

Justine was able to turn her life around in her 20's through coaching. She learned how to manage her mind, thrive in her business and create a life she loves. 

Today, she helps women obsess less so they can create more. She's helped clients hit their goal weight, build 6 figure businesses, write books and create fulfilling relationships. 


- The science behind motivation and how to stay motivated

- How perfectionism affects productivity 

- Tips to improve your time management and make the most out of your days

- The link between perfectionism and mental health

- How to stop measuring your self worth on external achievements

- Tips to overcome fear and anxiety.


Instagram: @levelupwithlu⁣⠀

Get in touch: levelupwithlu@gmail.com

Justine's Website: https://www.justinecochrane.com/

Daily Motivation Workbook: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe9c8cc5a9dd00013a3f2a/t/6088061e047bbe187321d6c5/1619527203326/Daily+Motivation+Workbook.pdf