Level Up With Lu

Overcoming Insecurities, Exploring Passions and Staying Positive #42

Episode Notes

Hey guys, we're back with a new episode this week.

Our amazing guest today is Adeeba Aqeel. 

Adeeba is a certified careers advisor, self care and personal development blogger and a motivational speaker with a background in ELT + Applied Linguistics.

She has a passion for helping people embrace who they are, become more confident and pursue their dreams which she does so through writing, giving advice and sharing her knowledge.

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." - Tony Robbins



 - Overcoming body insecurities and perfectionism. 

 - Discovering your purpose.

 - The importance of a positive mindset.

 - How to step outside of your comfort zone and take big risks.

 - How to incorporate rest and self care in your daily life.


Instagram: @levelupwithlu

Get in touch: levelupwithlu@gmail.com

Adeeba's instagram: @adeebaaqeel

Adeeba's blog: https://www.adeebaaqeel.online/